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Hip (2)
Leg (4)
Elbow (2)
Goal Piece (2)
Arm (2)
Sleeve (2)
Insert the base into each each hip with one of the remaining openings of the hip pointed vertical, and the other two openings pointed horizontally.
Insert the legs into the remaining horizontal openings
Insert the arms into the remaining vertical openings
Insert the elbows onto the arms with the tightener protruding from the horizontal part of the elbow with the remaining openings facing each other
Slide the sleeves over the goal pieces, with one sleeve on each goal piece
Connect the goal pieces and slide the sleeves over the connections of the goal pieces
Hang the goal on the elbows: when inserting the goal into the elbows, make sure the long part of the metal piece is parallel to the opening of the elbow
Tighten the tighteners enough for the goal to stay at the desired angle, but loose enough to rotate the goal in between shots
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